Haile Selassie Net Worth 2024

Haile Selassie, born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael, was the last Emperor of Ethiopia, reigning from 1930 to 1974. He is a significant figure in history, known for his efforts to modernize his country and for his advocacy for African unity. Despite his death in 1975, the question of his net worth continues to intrigue many, especially


Haile Selassie, born Tafari Makonnen Woldemikael, was the last Emperor of Ethiopia, reigning from 1930 to 1974. He is a significant figure in history, known for his efforts to modernize his country and for his advocacy for African unity. Despite his death in 1975, the question of his net worth continues to intrigue many, especially as we approach the year 2024. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of Haile Selassie’s net worth in 2024.

Estimated Net Worth:$3 billion (at the time of his death)
Age:83 (at the time of his death)
Born:July 23, 1892
Country of Origin:Ethiopia
Source of Wealth:Royal inheritance, Investments

Haile Selassie’s Early Life and Ascension to Power

Haile Selassie was born into a noble family in the Ethiopian Empire. His father was a governor, and his mother was the daughter of a chieftain. He ascended to the throne in 1930, following the death of Empress Zewditu. His reign was marked by efforts to modernize Ethiopia and improve its international standing.

Haile Selassie’s Wealth and Investments

As Emperor, Haile Selassie had access to the wealth of the Ethiopian Empire. He was known to have made significant investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. His personal wealth was also substantial, with estimates at the time of his death placing his net worth at around $3 billion.

Land Ownership

One of the primary sources of Haile Selassie’s wealth was land ownership. As Emperor, he owned vast tracts of land across Ethiopia. These lands were not only valuable in terms of their agricultural potential but also because of their mineral resources.

Investments in Infrastructure

Haile Selassie invested heavily in infrastructure development. He understood the importance of infrastructure in modernizing a country and improving its economy. These investments not only benefited the country but also increased his personal wealth.

Investments in Education and Healthcare

Education and healthcare were other areas where Haile Selassie made significant investments. He established numerous schools and hospitals across the country. These institutions not only improved the quality of life for his subjects but also served as sources of income.

Haile Selassie’s Exile and Return

During the Second World War, Haile Selassie was forced into exile following the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. However, he returned to power in 1941 with the help of Allied forces. His return marked a period of significant economic growth for Ethiopia, further increasing his wealth.

Haile Selassie’s Downfall and Death

Haile Selassie’s reign came to an end in 1974 when he was overthrown by a military coup. He was placed under house arrest and died the following year under mysterious circumstances. Despite his downfall, his wealth remained substantial.

Haile Selassie’s Legacy

Haile Selassie left behind a significant legacy. He is remembered for his efforts to modernize Ethiopia and for his advocacy for African unity. His wealth, however, has been a subject of controversy, with some arguing that it was amassed at the expense of his subjects.

Haile Selassie’s Net Worth in 2024

Estimating Haile Selassie’s net worth in 2024 is challenging due to the lack of concrete financial records. However, considering the value of his investments and assets at the time of his death, it is reasonable to assume that his net worth would have continued to grow had he lived. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to estimate that his net worth in 2024 would be significantly higher than the $3 billion estimated at the time of his death.


Haile Selassie was a significant figure in history, known for his efforts to modernize Ethiopia and for his advocacy for African unity. His wealth, amassed through land ownership and investments in infrastructure, education, and healthcare, was substantial. Despite his downfall and death, his wealth remains a subject of intrigue. While it is challenging to estimate his net worth in 2024, it is reasonable to assume that it would be significantly higher than the $3 billion estimated at the time of his death.

