Alec Baldwin Just Gets Shadier And Shadier

Alec Baldwin cashed in by dishing dirt in his tell-all autobiography, Nevertheless: A Memoir."I'm not actually writing this book to discuss my work, my opinions or my life," he writes in the 2017 memoir (via The Guardian). "I'm not writing it to explain some of the painful situations I've either landed in orthrown myself into.

Alec Baldwin cashed in by dishing dirt in his tell-all autobiography, Nevertheless: A Memoir. "I'm not actually writing this book to discuss my work, my opinions or my life," he writes in the 2017 memoir (via The Guardian). "I'm not writing it to explain some of the painful situations I've either landed in or thrown myself into. I'm writing it because I was paid to write it." Well, it doesn't get much clearer than that.

In the book, Baldwin dishes on Hollywood collaborators, including 30 Rock Tina Fey, whom he describes (via the Hollywood Reporter) as "beautiful and brunette, smart and funny, by turns smug and diffident and completely uninterested in me or anything I had to say — I had the same reaction that I'm sure many men and women have: I fell in love." Baldwin also made a point to refers to Fey's husband as "travel size" and quip: "What's she doing with him?"

Baldwin arguably saved his biggest insults for Harrison Ford, who took over Baldwin's Jack Ryan role in The Hunt for Red October sequel, Patriot Games. Baldwin claims director John McTiernan asked Ford if "backstabbing" Baldwin bothered him. "Ford's reply, according to John, was 'F**k him,'" Baldwin writes in the book. Oh, there's more. Baldwin also said Indiana Jones is not nearly as impressive in real life. "Ford, in person, is a little man, short, scrawny, and wiry, whose soft voice sounds as if it's coming from behind a door," he wrote. 

