Missing in Action, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Group: Secondary Quests Location: White Orchard This quest can be started in several ways, for example by reading one of the notices posted on the White Orchard Notice Board, talking to Dune Vildenvert, who can be found in the Ransacked Village, or by visiting the hut where Bastien and Rhosyn are hiding.

Missing in Action, Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest Guides 4 Gamers Game Maps & Guides for Gamers.
  • Guides for Gamers
  • Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Maps & Walkthrough
  • Quests
  • Missing in Action
  • Group: Secondary Quests

    Location: White Orchard

    This quest can be started in several ways, for example by reading one of the notices posted on the White Orchard Notice Board, talking to Dune Vildenvert, who can be found in the Ransacked Village, or by visiting the hut where Bastien and Rhosyn are hiding.

    As it turned out, Geralt was not alone in searching White Orchard for a lost loved one. The witcher also found the notice of a peasant who was seeking his brother. The brother had left home to take up arms against Nilfgaard. The forces of the North and the Black Ones had then clashed in a great battle near the brothers' home village, and the peasant had not heard from his sibling since.

    Related points of interest

    Icon of White Orchard Notice Board White Orchard Notice Board White Orchard

    Icon of Dune Vildenvert Dune Vildenvert White Orchard

    Icon of The Battlefield The Battlefield White Orchard

    Icon of Bastien and Rhosyn Bastien and Rhosyn White Orchard

    Quest stages of Missing in Action

    1. Find Dune Vildenvert.

    You will find Dune Vildenvert next to one of the houses in the ransacked village. He needs help finding his missing brother.

    Find Dune Vildenvert.

    Geralt was far from the only person in White Orchard looking for a lost loved one. War had divided many families, including that of a certain villager whose brother went missing after the last big battle. Geralt was short on time but still agreed to help. You're surprised, dear reader - but you shouldn't be. The witcher might seem grumpy at times and downright cynical at others, but he rarely passes by another man's misfortune without seeing what he can do to help.

    Though pressed for time, Geralt decided to find Dune Vildenvert and then agreed to help the man. Be not puzzled, dear reader, for though the witcher oft appeared a surly scoffer, deep inside he was a sensitive soul, unwilling to look upon human grief and dismiss it.

    2. Meet Dune near the battlefield.

    Meet Dune near The Battlefield. He will tell you that in order to find his brother you should look for a blue Temerian shield with flowers drawn on it.

    Meet Dune near the battlefield.

    3. Using your Witcher Senses, search for Temerian shields with small white flowers painted on them.

    There are several shields on the battlefield matching the description. The one you're looking for lies next to a burned body near the forest. When you find it and examine it, the dog will pick up the trail.

    Using your Witcher Senses, search for Temerian shields with small white flowers painted on them.

    Geralt and Dune began their search where the missing man had last been seen: the battlefield. Yet while the witcher started the investigation, a mutt named Hussar who finished it for him. When the dog caught its owner's scent, it raced off, following the trail while barking its brains out and not caring one whit if Dune or Geralt were following after.

    4. Follow the dog's trail.

    Follow the dog. He'll lead you to the cabin where Bastien and Rhosyn are hiding. Rhosyn is the Nilfgaardian soldier who saved Bastien. Bastien wants Rhosyn to live with them but Dune is skeptical.

    Follow the dog's trail.

    It turned out the missing brother had been heavily wounded but had survived the battle nonetheless… saved by a Nilfgaardian deserter.

    The fate of Rhosin depends on you. You can convince Dune to let him live with them in their house, or you can decide that he should stay in the cabin.

    If you convinced Dune to save the Nilfgaardian soldier:

    Though reluctant, Dune agreed to return the Nilfgaardian's favor. He took the foreigner in under his roof, thus saving him from certain death.

    If you convinced Dune NOT to save the Nilfgaardian soldier:

    Sadly Dune did not return the Nilfgaardian's favor. Afraid for his own life, he decided to leave the man to a certain death.

    5. (Optional) Tell Dune his brother is alive.

    If you found Bastien before you talked to Dune, he will ask you to tell his brother that he survived. Go to the ransacked village and tell Dune the good news.

    Geralt found the wounded soldier's brother and conveyed the good news. This deed saved a man's life - and earned Geralt a few coppers.

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