AWS SDK for C++: Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest Class Reference


#include <UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h>









































































































Definition at line 23 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ UpdateWorkgroupRequest()

AWS_REDSHIFTSERVERLESS_API Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::UpdateWorkgroupRequest ( )

◆ AddConfigParameters() [1/2]

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 162 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ AddConfigParameters() [2/2]

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 149 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ AddSecurityGroupIds() [1/3]

◆ AddSecurityGroupIds() [2/3]

◆ AddSecurityGroupIds() [3/3] UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::AddSecurityGroupIds ( const char *  value) inline

◆ AddSubnetIds() [1/3]

◆ AddSubnetIds() [2/3]

◆ AddSubnetIds() [3/3] UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::AddSubnetIds ( const char *  value) inline

◆ BaseCapacityHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::BaseCapacityHasBeenSet ( ) const


◆ ConfigParametersHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::ConfigParametersHasBeenSet ( ) const


An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 84 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ EnhancedVpcRoutingHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::EnhancedVpcRoutingHasBeenSet ( ) const


The value that specifies whether to turn on enhanced virtual private cloud (VPC) routing, which forces Amazon Redshift Serverless to route traffic through your VPC.

Definition at line 177 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ GetBaseCapacity()

int Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetBaseCapacity ( ) const


◆ GetConfigParameters()

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 71 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ GetEnhancedVpcRouting()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetEnhancedVpcRouting ( ) const


The value that specifies whether to turn on enhanced virtual private cloud (VPC) routing, which forces Amazon Redshift Serverless to route traffic through your VPC.

Definition at line 170 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ GetMaxCapacity()

int Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetMaxCapacity ( ) const


The maximum data-warehouse capacity Amazon Redshift Serverless uses to serve queries. The max capacity is specified in RPUs.

Definition at line 198 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ GetPort()

int Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetPort ( ) const


The custom port to use when connecting to a workgroup. Valid port ranges are 5431-5455 and 8191-8215. The default is 5439.

Definition at line 223 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ GetPubliclyAccessible()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetPubliclyAccessible ( ) const


A value that specifies whether the workgroup can be accessible from a public network.

Definition at line 248 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ GetRequestSpecificHeaders() overridevirtual

◆ GetSecurityGroupIds() const Aws::Vector< Aws::String > & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetSecurityGroupIds ( ) const inline

◆ GetServiceRequestName()

virtual const char * Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetServiceRequestName ( ) const


◆ GetSubnetIds() const Aws::Vector< Aws::String > & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetSubnetIds ( ) const inline

◆ GetWorkgroupName() const Aws::String & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::GetWorkgroupName ( ) const inline

The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 365 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ MaxCapacityHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::MaxCapacityHasBeenSet ( ) const


The maximum data-warehouse capacity Amazon Redshift Serverless uses to serve queries. The max capacity is specified in RPUs.

Definition at line 204 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ PortHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::PortHasBeenSet ( ) const


The custom port to use when connecting to a workgroup. Valid port ranges are 5431-5455 and 8191-8215. The default is 5439.

Definition at line 229 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ PubliclyAccessibleHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::PubliclyAccessibleHasBeenSet ( ) const


A value that specifies whether the workgroup can be accessible from a public network.

Definition at line 254 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SecurityGroupIdsHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SecurityGroupIdsHasBeenSet ( ) const


◆ SerializePayload() AWS_REDSHIFTSERVERLESS_API Aws::String Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SerializePayload ( ) const overridevirtual

◆ SetBaseCapacity()

void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetBaseCapacity ( int  value)


◆ SetConfigParameters() [1/2]

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 110 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetConfigParameters() [2/2] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetConfigParameters ( const Aws::Vector< ConfigParameter > &  value) inline

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 97 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetEnhancedVpcRouting()

void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetEnhancedVpcRouting ( bool  value)


The value that specifies whether to turn on enhanced virtual private cloud (VPC) routing, which forces Amazon Redshift Serverless to route traffic through your VPC.

Definition at line 184 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetMaxCapacity()

void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetMaxCapacity ( int  value)


The maximum data-warehouse capacity Amazon Redshift Serverless uses to serve queries. The max capacity is specified in RPUs.

Definition at line 210 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetPort()

void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetPort ( int  value)


The custom port to use when connecting to a workgroup. Valid port ranges are 5431-5455 and 8191-8215. The default is 5439.

Definition at line 235 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetPubliclyAccessible()

void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetPubliclyAccessible ( bool  value)


A value that specifies whether the workgroup can be accessible from a public network.

Definition at line 260 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetSecurityGroupIds() [1/2] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetSecurityGroupIds ( Aws::Vector< Aws::String > &&  value) inline

◆ SetSecurityGroupIds() [2/2] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetSecurityGroupIds ( const Aws::Vector< Aws::String > &  value) inline

◆ SetSubnetIds() [1/2] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetSubnetIds ( Aws::Vector< Aws::String > &&  value) inline

◆ SetSubnetIds() [2/2] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetSubnetIds ( const Aws::Vector< Aws::String > &  value) inline

◆ SetWorkgroupName() [1/3] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetWorkgroupName ( Aws::String &&  value) inline

The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 383 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetWorkgroupName() [2/3] void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetWorkgroupName ( const Aws::String value) inline

The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 377 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SetWorkgroupName() [3/3]

void Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SetWorkgroupName ( const char *  value)


The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 389 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ SubnetIdsHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::SubnetIdsHasBeenSet ( ) const


◆ WithBaseCapacity() UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::WithBaseCapacity ( int  value) inline

◆ WithConfigParameters() [1/2]

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 136 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithConfigParameters() [2/2]

An array of parameters to set for advanced control over a database. The options are auto_mv, datestyle, enable_case_sensitive_identifier, enable_user_activity_logging, query_group, search_path, require_ssl, and query monitoring metrics that let you define performance boundaries. For more information about query monitoring rules and available metrics, see Query monitoring metrics for Amazon Redshift Serverless.

Definition at line 123 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithEnhancedVpcRouting() UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::WithEnhancedVpcRouting ( bool  value) inline

The value that specifies whether to turn on enhanced virtual private cloud (VPC) routing, which forces Amazon Redshift Serverless to route traffic through your VPC.

Definition at line 191 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithMaxCapacity() UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::WithMaxCapacity ( int  value) inline

The maximum data-warehouse capacity Amazon Redshift Serverless uses to serve queries. The max capacity is specified in RPUs.

Definition at line 216 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithPort()

The custom port to use when connecting to a workgroup. Valid port ranges are 5431-5455 and 8191-8215. The default is 5439.

Definition at line 241 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithPubliclyAccessible() UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::WithPubliclyAccessible ( bool  value) inline

A value that specifies whether the workgroup can be accessible from a public network.

Definition at line 266 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithSecurityGroupIds() [1/2]

◆ WithSecurityGroupIds() [2/2]

◆ WithSubnetIds() [1/2]

◆ WithSubnetIds() [2/2]

◆ WithWorkgroupName() [1/3]

The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 401 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithWorkgroupName() [2/3]

The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 395 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WithWorkgroupName() [3/3] UpdateWorkgroupRequest & Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::WithWorkgroupName ( const char *  value) inline

The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 407 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

◆ WorkgroupNameHasBeenSet()

bool Aws::RedshiftServerless::Model::UpdateWorkgroupRequest::WorkgroupNameHasBeenSet ( ) const


The name of the workgroup to update. You can't update the name of a workgroup once it is created.

Definition at line 371 of file UpdateWorkgroupRequest.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

