Sebastian Maniscalco Height How Tall is Sebastian?

Are you curious about Sebastian Maniscalcos height? Wonder no more! In this article, well reveal the truth behind Sebastian Maniscalcos height and provide you with some interesting details about this talented comedian and actor.

Are you curious about Sebastian Maniscalco’s height? Wonder no more! In this article, we’ll reveal the truth behind Sebastian Maniscalco’s height and provide you with some interesting details about this talented comedian and actor.

sebastian maniscalco height

Key Takeaways:

  • Sebastian Maniscalco’s height is 5 feet 9 inches (175.3 cm).
  • He is known for his appearances in movies like Green Book, Tag, and The Irishman.
  • Sebastian Maniscalco has achieved significant success in his career as a comedian.
  • He is considered one of the premier stand-up comedians of his generation.
  • Sebastian Maniscalco continues to entertain audiences with his unique perspective on everyday life.

Sebastian Maniscalco’s Career and Achievements

Sebastian Maniscalco is a highly successful American comedian and actor who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. His career began in 2005 when he started performing stand-up comedy at The Comedy Store in West Hollywood. Since then, he has achieved remarkable success and garnered a wide fan base.

One of his notable career milestones was his participation in the “Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights – Hollywood to the Heartland,” where he performed alongside other renowned comedians. This project contributed to his growing recognition within the comedy community.

Sebastian Maniscalco has also made numerous appearances on popular TV shows like “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” showcasing his comedic talent to a wider audience. His performances have delighted viewers with his unique brand of humor, earning him a devoted following.

Furthermore, Maniscalco has released several successful comedy specials, capturing audiences with his hilarious observations about everyday life. His sharp wit, relatable storytelling, and comedic timing have made him one of the most sought-after comedians in the industry today.

Performed at The Comedy Store in West Hollywood in 2005Gained recognition within the comedy community
Featured in the “Wild West Comedy Show: 30 Days & 30 Nights – Hollywood to the Heartland”Contributed to his growing recognition and popularity
Appeared on popular TV shows like “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” and “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”Expanded his fan base and showcased his comedic talent
Released successful comedy specialsDelighted audiences with his unique humor and relatable storytelling

Personal Life and Family

Sebastian Maniscalco, born on July 8, 1973, in Arlington Heights, Illinois, comes from a close-knit Italian-American family. He has always been proud of his heritage and often incorporates his unique cultural experiences into his comedy acts. Maniscalco is happily married to Lana Gomez, an accomplished American painter known for her vibrant and expressive artwork. Together, they have a beautiful daughter named Serafina Simone Maniscalco.

The Maniscalco family currently resides in the bustling city of Los Angeles, California. Despite their busy lives, they prioritize spending quality time together and creating lasting memories. Maniscalco often refers to his family and personal experiences in his performances, allowing audiences to connect with his humorous take on everyday life.

Maniscalco’s love for his family is evident both on and off the stage. He frequently shares heartwarming anecdotes about his wife and daughter, showcasing his genuine affection and appreciation for the people who support him unconditionally.

BirthdatePlace of BirthSpouseChildrenResidence
July 8, 1973Arlington Heights, IllinoisLana GomezSerafina Simone ManiscalcoLos Angeles, California

Early Life and Education

Sebastian Maniscalco was born on July 8, 1973, in Arlington Heights, Illinois. Growing up in a close-knit Italian-American family, his childhood was filled with vibrant cultural traditions and values. From an early age, Sebastian had a natural talent for making people laugh, often entertaining his family and friends with his witty observations and hilarious impersonations.

Maniscalco attended Rolling Meadows High School, where he continued to develop his comedic skills and perform in school plays. After high school, he pursued higher education at Northern Illinois University, where he honed his craft by participating in improv groups and comedy clubs on campus. Although he was passionate about comedy, Sebastian initially pursued a degree in communications while dreaming of a career in entertainment.

During his time in college, Maniscalco also worked as a performer in open mic nights, delighting audiences with his unique brand of humor. Additionally, he took on various odd jobs, including working as a waiter in bowling alleys, to support himself while chasing his comedy ambitions. These early experiences not only provided him with material for his future performances but also instilled in him a strong work ethic and determination to succeed.

To further his comedic skills and build a solid foundation for his career, Sebastian Maniscalco decided to move to Los Angeles after graduating from college. It was in the vibrant comedy scene of West Hollywood where he truly found his voice and started making a name for himself as a rising star in the industry.

sebastian maniscalco early life

Key EventsYear
Sebastian Maniscalco born1973
Attends Rolling Meadows High School1987-1991
Graduates from Northern Illinois University1995
Moves to Los Angeles1997

Notable Works and Projects

Sebastian Maniscalco is not only a renowned stand-up comedian but also a talented actor who has made his mark in the world of entertainment. He has been a part of various notable works and projects, showcasing his versatility and comedic prowess.

“I’ve always been a fan of Sebastian Maniscalco. He’s hilarious and brings so much energy to the stage. His performances in movies like ‘The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature,’ ‘The House,’ and ‘Cruise’ have further solidified his status as a multi-talented entertainer.”

Critic Review

In addition to his film appearances, Maniscalco has also ventured into the literary world with his memoir titled “Stay Hungry,” which was released in 2018. The book provides insights into his life and career, offering readers a glimpse into the mind of the comedic genius.

  • Sebastian Maniscalco’s notable works and projects include:
    • “The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature”
    • “The House”
    • “Cruise”
    • “Stay Hungry” (memoir)

    Furthermore, Maniscalco showcases his hosting skills by co-hosting a podcast called “The Pete and Sebastian Show” alongside comedian Pete Correale. The podcast provides a platform for the two comedians to share their thoughts, stories, and humor with their dedicated fanbase.

    MovieRelease YearRole
    The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature2017Vocal Talent (Johnny)
    The House2017Frank

    Sebastian Maniscalco’s notable works and diverse projects not only showcase his range as an entertainer but also his ability to captivate audiences through various mediums.

    Physical Statistics and Appearance

    When it comes to physical appearance, Sebastian Maniscalco stands at a height of 5 feet 9 inches (175.3 cm) and weighs approximately 171 pounds (78 kilograms). He has a muscular build, which he often showcases through his physical comedy routines. With his expressive facial expressions and comedic physicality, Maniscalco captivates audiences with his unique brand of humor.

    Maniscalco’s height and physique complement his comedic style, allowing him to engage with the audience and bring his jokes to life through his gestures and body language. Whether he’s imitating everyday situations or relaying hilarious anecdotes, his physicality on stage adds an extra layer of entertainment to his performances.

    It’s worth noting that while Maniscalco’s height and appearance contribute to his stage presence, his comedic talent and storytelling abilities are what truly set him apart as a comedian. His relatable observations and sharp wit keep audiences engaged from start to finish, making him a favorite among fans and critics alike.

    Physical Statistics
    Height5 feet 9 inches (175.3 cm)
    WeightApproximately 171 pounds (78 kilograms)

    sebastian maniscalco physical statistics


    Sebastian Maniscalco, standing at an impressive height of 5 feet 9 inches, has carved a successful path in the world of comedy. Known for his wit, physical comedy, and relatable storytelling, he has captivated audiences with his unique perspective on everyday life. From his early performances at The Comedy Store to his appearances in movies like Green Book and The Irishman, Maniscalco has showcased his comedic prowess across various platforms.

    Not only has Maniscalco achieved great success as a stand-up comedian, but he has also made notable contributions to the entertainment industry. From his memoir “Stay Hungry” to co-hosting the podcast “The Pete and Sebastian Show,” he has proven his versatility and passion for his craft. His podcast allows audiences to further connect with his charismatic personality and humor.

    With a net worth of $6 million, Sebastian Maniscalco’s dedication and hard work have undoubtedly paid off. He continues to leave a lasting impression on his audience with his impeccable work ethic and meticulous attention to detail when crafting his comedic material. It is no wonder that he is regarded as one of the premier stand-up comedians of his generation.


    How tall is Sebastian Maniscalco?

    Sebastian Maniscalco is 5 feet 9 inches (175.3 cm) tall.

    What is Sebastian Maniscalco known for?

    Sebastian Maniscalco is known for his career as a stand-up comedian and actor, as well as his appearances in movies like Green Book, Tag, and The Irishman.

    Where was Sebastian Maniscalco born?

    Sebastian Maniscalco was born in Arlington Heights, Illinois.

    Who is Sebastian Maniscalco married to?

    Sebastian Maniscalco is married to Lana Gomez, a renowned American painter.

    Does Sebastian Maniscalco have children?

    Yes, Sebastian Maniscalco has a daughter named Serafina Simone Maniscalco.

    What is Sebastian Maniscalco’s net worth?

    Sebastian Maniscalco has an estimated net worth of $6 million, as of 2018.

    What are some notable works of Sebastian Maniscalco?

    Sebastian Maniscalco has appeared in movies like “The Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature,” “The House,” and “Cruise.” He has also worked on a memoir titled “Stay Hungry” which was released in 2018.

    What is Sebastian Maniscalco’s physical appearance?

    Sebastian Maniscalco has a height of 5 feet 9 inches (175.3 cm) and a muscular build. He is known for his expressive facial expressions and comedic physicality.

    What are some interesting facts about Sebastian Maniscalco?

    Sebastian Maniscalco started his career as a performer in open mics and as a waiter in bowling alleys before becoming a comedian. He co-hosts a podcast called “The Pete and Sebastian Show” with comedian Pete Correale.

