Luke Den Herder Obituary, Funeral, EXIT Realty Helena Member

Luke Denherder has passed away according source. We want his family and friends to know that we are thinking of them during this terrible time, and that we extend our deepest condolences to them all.

Luke Denherder has passed away according source. We want his family and friends to know that we are thinking of them during this terrible time, and that we extend our deepest condolences to them all.

Nobody will likely be able to forget his contagious grin or the boundless zeal he had for life. I’ve grown more mature and rounded as a person because of my friendship with Luke over the course of our time together.

His extraordinary brilliance directly benefited the lives of a huge number of people. There was no win for cancer in the battle against it. The EXIT Nation had no combatant to represent them in battle on the Friday before Easter, which was the day before the festival. Luke Den Herder, who formerly worked for EXIT Realty in Helena and has since left the company to pursue other, more lucrative endeavors, was once associated with it.

We did it as a sign of gratitude because we were grateful to have the chance to talk with someone of such high standing. Our thoughts and prayers are with Bob Denherder, his family, and his wonderful wife, Sassion Den Herder.

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